Dr. Puja Jaykumar Mehta: Breathing Life into Healthcare

Dr. Puja Jaykumar Mehta
Pooja Jay Mehta

Meet Dr. Puja Jaykumar Mehta, who has been dedicated to the healthcare industry for 15 years, alongside her husband, Dr. Jaykumar Mehta, who is an interventional pulmonologist specializing in lung diseases. Recognizing the increasing burden of respiratory ailments in India, especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, they envisioned a clinic solely focused on pulmonology. However, due to her Dr. Mehta’s existing commitments, Dr. Puja took the initiative to establish Akshar Pulmo Care in 2023.

In just eight months, Akshar Pulmo Care has served over 1,000 patients and received recognition with the Emerging Gujarat Award 2023 from the Chief Minister of Gujarat Shree Bhupendra Bhai Patel. Dr. Puja’s vision extends beyond providing medical care; she aims to destigmatize inhaler usage, particularly among children and women, by raising awareness and offering affordable services. Her dedication to patient care is evident in her meticulous management of appointments, reducing wait times, and overseeing treatment plans and follow-ups. Dr. Puja’s ultimate goal is to extend quality healthcare to every corner of India, ensuring patients receive the attention and treatment they deserve.

Dive into the remarkable story of Dr. Puja Jaykumar Mehta’s mission to revolutionize respiratory care in India!

Establishing Excellence in Respiratory Care

Dr. Puja’s journey in the healthcare industry began during her college years, where she witnessed the challenges faced by a friend with asthma. This experience ignited her determination to improve healthcare services, leading her to establish Akshar Pulmo Care, dedicated to respiratory diseases.

Driven by a desire to provide exceptional patient care, Dr. Puja ensures that appointments are efficient and patient-focused, reducing wait times and offering comprehensive treatment plans. Her commitment to service excellence stems from her belief that patient comfort and trust are paramount in healthcare.

With a background in healthcare management and leadership, Dr. Puja continually enhances her knowledge through certifications and courses. Influenced by her Guru HDH Pramukhswami Maharaj, she is dedicated to giving back to the community, embodying the motto, “In the Joy of Others Lies our Own.”

As a working mother, Dr. Puja faced challenges balancing her professional and personal responsibilities. Over time, with support from her husband and family, she learned to overcome the guilt associated with pursuing her career aspirations while nurturing her family.

Navigating challenges as a woman in healthcare, Dr. Puja maintains professionalism and sets boundaries to command respect from colleagues and stakeholders. Her dedication and perseverance have streamlined operations at Akshar Pulmo Care, with a vision to become a center of excellence in pulmonology, aligning with Dr. Mehta’s vision for the clinic’s growth and success.

Mission to Educate and Serve India’s Underserved Communities

Akshar Pulmo Care specializes in treating respiratory diseases and pulmonary medicine patients, including conditions like TB, asthma, COPD, allergies, and sleep disorders. Their mission is to provide compassionate care to improve patients’ respiratory health and overall well-being.

Dr. Puja’s vision extends beyond clinical care; she aims to reach every corner of India, even the most underserved villages, to educate people about respiratory diseases. Her goal is to dispel myths surrounding inhalers and TB, and to empower individuals with knowledge to take control of their respiratory health.

Through education and awareness initiatives, Dr. Puja strives to strengthen the lung health of the nation and contribute to reducing the burden of respiratory diseases in India. She welcomes support and collaboration from any source that can help advance her vision for a healthier India.

Recognition of Innate Skills and Business Success

Dr. Puja believes that women in India, even in the smallest households and villages, possess exceptional managerial skills. They effectively run their households, acting as their own finance ministers, managing finances and resources adeptly. Additionally, they serve as caregivers, often having their own small dispensary at home for treating sick children and utilizing kitchen remedies. They also manage public relations, organize neighborhood gatherings, and manage human resources by maintaining relationships with neighbors and community members.

Dr. Puja emphasizes that women are naturally adept at multitasking and decision-making, with an innate ability to manage various aspects of life simultaneously. While women may possess these innate skills, she acknowledges that her training in administration has further refined her decision-making abilities. Initially, she struggled with emotional decision-making but has since learned to make informed decisions without biases, a crucial aspect in business. She proudly states that Akshar Pulmo Care has been profitable since its inception and is experiencing continuous growth. Looking ahead, she envisions expansion in the coming year, underscoring the company’s success both economically and in fulfilling its mission of providing compassionate care to improve respiratory health.

Bridging Gaps in Rural Respiratory Health

Dr. Puja has taken proactive steps to reach out to rural communities by collaborating with local primary health centers and government agencies. While she encounters varying levels of support, she remains determined to educate communities about respiratory health through camps, seminars, and street plays. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and tobacco use and emphasize the importance of timely inhaler usage to prevent lung diseases.

In addition to education and awareness programs, Dr. Puja seeks support from agencies to provide inhalers at reduced costs, either through her clinic or in partnership with these agencies. She emphasizes that while her clinic is willing to provide services for free, collaboration and assistance from government and other organizations are essential to ensure widespread access to affordable healthcare.

In due course, Dr. Puja’s goal is to make a meaningful impact on respiratory health in rural areas, and she urges the government and other stakeholders to join hands in this noble endeavor.

Ensuring Standard Operating Procedures

Dr. Puja emphasizes the importance of adhering to standard operating procedures (SOPs) at Akshar Pulmo Care to ensure efficient and standardized processes. From appointment booking to patient care, every activity is governed by specific SOPs to maintain consistency and quality of service. Patients receive confirmation of their appointments promptly, and upon arrival, they are greeted warmly, provided with hand sanitizer, and their medical history is documented digitally.

In addition to traditional in-person consultations, Akshar Pulmo Care offers teleconsultations worldwide, allowing patients to receive expert medical advice from anywhere. Through digitalization, the clinic has streamlined its operations, offered paperless prescriptions, and maintained digital records for easy access and efficient communication with patients.

Dr. Puja’s commitment to leveraging technology and implementing SOPs ensures that Akshar Pulmo Care provides patients with convenient, high-quality healthcare services, whether they are local or accessing care remotely from around the world.

Vision for Respiratory Rehabilitation Centers

Dr. Puja’s passion for rehabilitating patients with respiratory diseases is evident in her commitment to improving their quality of life. She believes that mere survival is not enough; rather, enabling patients to regain their ability to participate in normal activities is crucial. Dr. Puja is dedicated to enhancing the overall well-being and functionality of individuals affected by respiratory conditions.

Driven by her passion, Dr. Puja aspires to establish respiratory rehabilitation centers. These centers would provide specialized care and support tailored to the unique needs of patients recovering from respiratory illnesses. By focusing on rehabilitation, Dr. Puja aims to empower patients to lead fulfilling lives and achieve a higher level of independence despite their respiratory challenges.

Pursuing Dreams for Personal and Societal Growth

Dr. Puja believes that true leadership goes beyond merely guiding others; it involves creating an environment where subordinates can flourish and grow. Leaders should empower their team members by granting them autonomy and providing opportunities for personal and professional development. Additionally, Dr. Puja emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s passions and dreams, especially if they have the potential to benefit society. She encourages individuals to have faith in themselves, work diligently, and uphold high values such as authenticity and honesty. With these qualities and a steadfast commitment to their dreams, Dr. Puja believes that individuals can soar to great heights and overcome any obstacles they may encounter.

