Dr. Aswini Naidu: A Cultivated Leader Inspiring the New Generation


“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”—John C. Maxwell

The most interesting thing about leadership is that it is not biased or limited to any specific gender. If your actions encourage others to learn more, dream more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.

Today—the modern age— is the era of women empowerment, where women are countering all stereotypes and myths, and they have emerged as astonishing leaders. With a passion to bring changes by their work, women leaders, are setting a benchmark of success in all dimensions such as technological innovations, scientific discoveries, and healthcare sectors.

With multiple responsibilities, today women leaders have also emerged as professional role models for others too. They are accepting the challenges and taking the organization to the height of success through their strong leadership.

One such distinguished woman leader is Dr. Aswini Naidu, Director, and Co-Founder of Avisa Smart Hospital. As a visionary woman leader, Dr. Aswini is leading the Avisa Smart Hospital to create a positive change within the healthcare space and empower hospitals with improved efficiency, and be viewed as a global leader.

Avisa Smart hospital is built upon core values such as compassion, transparency, innovation, dependability, commitment, and perseverance.

In an exclusive interview with Insights Success, Dr. Aswini Naidu sheds light on the company’s journey, and her vision for the future.

Dr. Aswini, please give us a brief overview of your journey as the Director of Avisa Smart Hospital.

As a part of my journey with Avisa, I have started believing in a concept – Smart is the new normal. I would say that learning about how the various aspects of digital health technology, interconnect health systems and smart solutions put together helps to create something innovative and futuristic. Eventually transforming the traditional hospital into a smart hospital was the key highlight of my journey.

Smart solutions are key to bridging the gaps in hospitals which is the need of the hour and with our efforts and consistency I have seen our vision turned into reality and help improve the quality of life of patients as well as help the overall operations and management within a short span of time. My journey with Avisa has helped me to grow professionally and personally and will continue to do so.

What are the core values upon which your organization is built?

Our core values guide us to provide optimal services and solutions in the healthcare sector, which is built on compassion, transparency, innovation, dependability, commitment, and perseverance.

Tell us more about Avisa smart hospital its vision, and how it is leveraging advanced technology to transform the way healthcare organizations operate.

We endeavor to create a positive change within the healthcare space to empower hospitals with improved efficiency and patients with better care and be viewed as global leaders facilitating this movement on a magnified scale. Borne from the objective of bridging the gap between healthcare services and optimal patient care, Avisa Smart Hospitals is disrupting the way hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, and pharmacies operate.

Our team is led by highly experienced doctors who hold not just first-hand experience of the existing gaps within the healthcare system but also a futuristic vision and passion for resolving them. To facilitate this transformation, we are equipping the healthcare space with smart infrastructure, interconnected management systems, software installations, and state-of-the-art equipment.

With patient-centric care at the forefront of our solutions, we are enabling a quantitative leap in the experience patients have within hospitals and beyond. With services that present the best of innovation and practical application, we are laying down the path for hospitals to extend quality care while benefiting from optimized costs, operations, and management.

Considering the example of the COVID-19 pandemic, how do you plan to navigate through similar situations in the future?

The key to navigating any pandemic should be on strengthening the foundation of the healthcare system which primarily includes all healthcare workers, hospital systems, and the patients.

Avisa smart hospital focused on bridging the gaps in hospitals for optimal patient care and enhanced operational efficiency which would be continued further as well without or without COVID-like situations.

We at Avisa aim to bring a positive revolution with a focus on patient-centric care and at the same time increase the hospitals’ efficiency as well with more value-added services in the future.

What is your opinion on the necessity for healthcare organizations to leverage technologies like AI and ML, especially when catering to the ever-evolving healthcare needs?

Technology in healthcare is the need of the hour. The increase in the amount of data and its complexity in a healthcare setup is indicative of the need for artificial intelligence to be extensively applied in the healthcare field. Different types of AI are presently being employed by both healthcare payers and providers, along with certain companies that are life-science-based.

AI is being increasingly applied for recommendations regarding diagnosis and treatment, adherence and engagement from the patients’ end, and activities related to administration in a healthcare setup. This contributes to unearthing specific patterns and future predictions that enhance the diagnostic and treatment process and plans for a particular medical condition by making it more informed, secure, and reliable which would benefit patients and help Avisa reach closer to its mission.

Avisa has developed a patient app that would be a one-stop solution for all patient care services which works on AI and ML. The Avisa app had a remarkable impact on AI and machine learning for improvising and transforming healthcare set up indicates its potential to save time, resources, and lives of the people.

Avisa remote patient monitoring systems also work on AI & ML which helps to track and monitor the patient even from their home. Due to this improvement in a healthcare setup that is inclusive of cost-efficiency and a much better survival rate, the healthcare industry has become a key sector for AI and machine learning and more healthcare organizations should learn and adapt to it.

As an established industry leader, what would be your advice to the budding entrepreneurs and enthusiasts aspiring to venture into the healthcare services industry?

The healthcare industry is growing more than ever, with technology, automation, and digitalization, and this is a great time to start aspiring and create something of your own or work with like-minded people. That being said, first and foremost, I would advise to be consistent and patient.

With ever-evolving needs and technology the world has become fast-paced and competitive but at the same time before venturing into any commitment always research and analyze, be consistent with your work and have the patience to get results and of course, be smart and always have high hopes.

How do you envision further strengthening Avisa Smart Hospital’s stronghold in 2023 and beyond?

Avisa’s concept is unique which aims in bridging the gaps in healthcare and bringing improved patient-centric care which would be done in a phase-wise manner. Our remote patient monitoring device which can track and monitor all vitals and 30+ rapid tests is expanding its portfolio to the various assay of tests including cancer makers, digital stethoscope, drug use tests, etc. which can be used in different platforms for screening, faster diagnosis, and treatment of a patient.

Avisa is also bringing state-of-the-art labs with an eldercare home facility in centers across India. The roadmap for Avisa involves creating personalized and better patient care leading to their improved quality of life as well enhancing the working of the traditional hospital by converting traditional hospitals to smart hospitals and creating a chain of smart hospitals across India and UAE.

