Dr Nadeem Niyaz Jan: Impacting India’s Surgical Landscape

Dr Nadeem Niyaz Jan
Dr Nadeem Niyaz Jan

Surgeons play a crucial role in the complex landscape of surgical care in India, bringing forth their wealth of experience and expertise. Yet, amidst this progress, there remain gaps in access to quality surgical care, especially in underserved regions. Addressing this challenge head-on is Dr. Nadeem Niyaz Jan, the Founder & Director at Varicose & More, a distinguished figure in vascular surgery with a mission to provide affordable and high-quality surgical treatments.

Based in the serene city of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, Dr. Nadeem Niyaz Jan stands as an icon of dedication in the healthcare industry. Dr. Nadeem has tirelessly worked to bridge the gaps in surgical care, especially focusing on the rural-urban divide.

Graduating with honors from Jammu University in 2003 and earning his master’s degree in Surgery from the National Board of Education and later super specialising in Vascular Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons at Edinburgh, Dr. Nadeem is not only a Vascular Surgeon but also a seasoned healthcare consultant with a profound background in Endovascular surgery.

Specializing in key areas such as Varicose Veins, Non-healing ulcers, Diabetic Feet, and Chronic Limb Ischemias, Dr. Nadeem is actively involved in advanced endovascular procedures like EVAR and TEVAR. His expertise extends beyond surgical interventions, encompassing a comprehensive management of Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD).

Dr. Nadeem’s journey unfolds as a testament to his commitment to serving the community, especially in areas where access to surgical care is limited. His proficiency in vascular surgery, coupled with a genuine dedication to patient well-being, has positioned him as a highly sought-after medical professional in his field.

As we shine a spotlight on India’s Best Surgeons, Dr. Nadeem takes center stage, embodying the spirit of relentless commitment and excellence in healthcare with an approach to include and cater to maximal population by providing low-cost high quality vascular surgery.

This feature explores the inspiring journey of Dr. Nadeem, discovering how he has not only carved a trusted name for himself but is also shaping the future of vascular surgery in India.

Preserving Legacy, Forging Destiny

Dr. Nadeem, born into a family of esteemed doctors and educators, shares the unique story of his path to becoming a renowned vascular surgeon. Hailing from a family of medical professionals, with a gastroenterologist father and a gynaecologist mother, Dr. Nadeem’s early upbringing was shaped by the influence of his maternal grandfather, Professor Muhammad Yousuf Shah, a distinguished educationist in Kashmir.

Reflecting on his journey, Dr. Nadeem recalls the initial tug of war between ancestral aspirations and personal inclinations. “It was the desire of my grandfather who wanted to see me as a doctor, but later on my parents, especially my father, Dr. Niyaz Ahmed Jan, envisioned me as a surgeon.” In his third year of medicine, he faced a crossroads, contemplating a shift towards civil services. However, a realization struck him—a deep-seated belief in autonomy and an aspiration to contribute to society in a more meaningful way.

“I never believed in subordination and wanted to work till my last breath, and that was probably only possible in a few professions, medicine being one of the foremost ones,” admits Dr. Nadeem. This realization steered him towards pursuing a postgraduate degree in surgery and later specializing in vascular surgery, a decision that shaped his impactful career.

Acknowledging the crucial support during challenging times, Dr. Nadeem expresses gratitude to his wife, stating, “My wife Dr. Anisa Nisar Jan stood like a pillar during one of the toughest phases of my life and I will always be indebted to her for that.” Through determination, family encouragement, and solid support, Dr. Nadeem’s journey exemplifies the resilience and dedication that defines his role as a prominent vascular surgeon today.

Making Vascular Care Accessible

Dr. Nadeem embarked on a transformative journey in Indian healthcare, which aimed to make vascular treatment accessible to a broader population. Starting his career in Delhi, he observed the influx of patients from Jammu and Kashmir seeking vascular management in the capital city. Recognizing the challenges faced by many, such as financial constraints and travel issues, Dr. Nadeem felt an inherent commitment to bridge this healthcare gap.

Guided by his mentor, Dr. Jaisom Chopra, Dr. Nadeem initiated visits to the Kashmir Valley in 2010, with a focus on vascular care. However, due to various challenges, the endeavour shifted to Jammu. In September or October of the same year, a significant milestone was achieved as RFA (Radiofrequency Ablation) for varicose veins was introduced for the first time in the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, hosted at Triveni Nursing Home, Gandhinagar. Dr. R.K. Suri and Mr. K.K. Sharma played pivotal roles, leveraging their marketing expertise and futuristic vision in establishing this groundbreaking practice in Jammu.

Driven by the desire to democratize vascular treatment, Dr. Nadeem envisioned a low-cost solution. The path to realizing this vision, however, was loaded with technicalities. Finally, in July 2015, his dedication culminated in the formation of an online company – VARICOSE AND MORE.

Reflecting on the journey, Dr. Nadeem emphasizes, “We started with low-cost surgery for varicose veins initially and today we are proud of performing over 30000+ procedures ranging from RFA for varicose veins to Catheter induced thrombolysis at the most cost-effective range in the country.”

Varicose & More

Dr. Nadeem warmly recalls the time when his decision to work in Jammu left his friends as well as family surprised and astonished. Confident in his vision, he foresaw a future where patients from Punjab and beyond would choose Jammu for medical and surgical management, challenging the prevailing norm of seeking healthcare services in Punjab and nearby states.

Reflecting on this vision, Dr. Nadeem articulates, “Our basic concept was to customize the treatment for everyone and try to cater to as many as possible.” Despite financial constraints limiting the extent of their reach, he expresses gratitude for earning the trust of individuals in specific areas, particularly those grappling with varicose veins, blocked arteries, diabetic feet, ulcers, and peripheral vascular disease.

Dr. Nadeem proudly adds, “We have been able to make a small niche for ourselves by being known as people who are doing a good job in vascular surgery at a very reasonable price.”

Acquiring the right team proved to be another challenge for Dr. Nadeem. “I needed people to believe in the same dream that I had, and that’s not easy,” he shares. However, the present strength of 37 people, including himself, is the realization of this dream. Dr. Nadeem feels amazed at how individuals with the same passion and dream have come together, forming an organized team—Team Varicose and More.

Dr. Nadeem’s commitment to personalized and affordable healthcare has not only established a reputation for excellence but has also made a significant impact in the field of vascular surgery in Jammu and beyond, bridging horizons and transforming the healthcare landscape.

Beyond Surgery

Vascular surgery serves as a crucial component in managing a spectrum of vascular diseases, playing a pivotal role in alleviating pain, enhancing mobility, and preventing severe complications associated with these conditions. The nature of the required vascular surgery is contingent upon the specific vascular disease and the unique circumstances of each patient.

At Varicose & More, the connection with each patient is profound, with a commitment that transcends the operating room. The team is personally involved in every aspect of patient management, emphasizing that their responsibility doesn’t conclude post-surgery. In fact, that marks the commencement of their dedicated involvement. Regular observation, feedback sessions, and constant accessibility underscore Varicose & More’s dedication to comprehensive and patient-centric vascular care.

Balancing Responsibility and Passion

For Dr. Nadeem, the responsibilities of a surgeon aren’t perceived as easy, yet they don’t fall into the category of being excessively challenging. He contemplates, “Surgery is something that’s become who I am. I can relate to surgery as something that identifies me as a person and defines me.”

In his reflection, he warmly regards V&M (Varicose and More) as his baby, a manifestation of his love and enduring emotional connection. Driven by dreams that continue to evolve, he expresses, “It’s growing every day, and it’s shaping up as I have always imagined for it to be – patient compliant, inclusive, as well as satisfying the essence of being a healthcare worker.”

Dr. Nadeem’s surgical journey becomes a symphony, where the responsibilities of a surgeon harmonize with the passion and emotional investment he holds for V&M. The enterprise is not just a professional endeavour but a living demonstration to his dreams, unfolding each day in alignment with his vision of patient-centric, inclusive, and satisfying healthcare.

Affordable Aspirations

Dr. Nadeem reveals that at Varicose & More, their primary focus has been on offering Low-Cost Vascular Surgery. However, he emphasizes that their second, though equally significant, strategy is more of a personal attitude—Service. Regardless of the circumstances, the patient always takes precedence.

Expressing aspirations for the future, Dr. Nadeem envisions providing his services across India. To achieve this, Dr Nadeem is committed to continuous learning and improvement, actively participating in Continuing Medical Education (CME) sessions, conferences, workshops, and other avenues of professional development both at national as well as international level. This commitment ensures that Varicose & More stays updated and upgraded, offering cutting-edge and high-quality vascular care services.

Guide to Genuine Service in Healthcare

In sharing insights with fellow healthcare professionals, Dr. Nadeem imparts wisdom drawn from his own experience. He emphasizes the pivotal role of healthcare providers, recognizing them as potentially the largest service industry in the country.

“We shouldn’t forget that. We are service providers, and we should know that our client is our patient,” advises Dr. Nadeem. His counsel encourages honesty in dealings with patients, advocating for flexibility, such as offering discounts. He underscores the distinction between healthcare providers and conventional businesses, noting that healthcare professionals are not mere shopkeepers with fixed rates.

His final piece of advice echoes a commitment to constant availability: “Be there for them most of the time.” This highlights the importance of a continuous and supportive presence in the patient’s healthcare journey, emphasizing the service-oriented nature of the healthcare profession.

Celebrating Excellence

Dr. Nadeem, humbled and grateful for being acknowledged among India’s 10 Best Surgeons, shares his sentiments, stating, “Well, I can’t thank Almighty enough for bestowing his mercy and blessings because I’m certain there are many more deserving people out there.”

Reflecting on the recognition, he underlines the core philosophy of Varicose & More, stating, “As far as V&M is concerned, its main aim and my personal ideology have always been to provide the best possible service within our capacity and try to cover as many people as possible.”

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